In a recent essay marking 75 years of diplomatic ties between Russia and China, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voiced strong support for China on various Asian issues, particularly critiquing the United States’ efforts to expand its influence in the region and accusing it of exacerbating tensions around Taiwan.

Lavrov’s comments were made public in Rossiiskaya Gazeta, a government-run newspaper, underscoring a deepening relationship between Moscow and Beijing against what they perceive as Western encroachment in the Asia-Pacific.

​​​​​​​Lavrov highlighted that both Russia and China are closely aligned in their assessment of the risks posed by Western advancement in their vicinity. Specifically, he condemned what he described as deliberate provocations by the United States and its allies in the Taiwan Strait. Reinforcing Russia’s unwavering stance on Taiwan—a self-governed island that Beijing claims as its territory—Lavrov reiterated Moscow’s support for China’s sovereignty claims, echoing the Chinese government’s longstanding policy.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping has been adamant about integrating Taiwan with mainland China, using force if necessary. This stance is met with firm rejection from Taiwan, insisting that only its citizens have the right to determine their future. Amid these tensions, Xi recently asserted in a speech that Taiwan remains an inseparable part of China and vowed to counter any separatist movements aimed at “Taiwan independence.” Meanwhile, the U.S., despite lacking formal diplomatic relations with Taipei, continues to be a crucial ally and military supplier to Taiwan—recently approving $567 million in defense aid—actions that have drawn Beijing’s ire.

Furthermore, Lavrov criticized the current European security framework as being undermined by NATO and the U.S., prompting his call for a “new architecture” for Eurasian security that emphasizes regional resolutions to regional dilemmas. He also commended China’s approach to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine—which has now stretched over two and a half years—praising Beijing’s balanced stance and initiatives aimed at addressing root causes like NATO’s expansion eastward.

Amidst this backdrop, China, along with Brazil, has been advocating for a peace conference inviting both Ukraine and Russia in hopes of resolving their differences. However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has dismissed such proposals, holding firm on his “victory plan,” which demands recognition of Ukraine’s borders as they were after gaining independence in 1991.

This shared perspective between Russia and China not only highlights their mutual interests but also indicates an increasingly coordinated stance against perceived Western pressure—signaling a significant geopolitical shift with implications far beyond their bilateral relations.


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